Dr. Florian Niermeier

Dr. Florian Niermeier specialises in commercial litigation and regulatory advice in medical devices law. He represents – frequently international – clients in enforcing and defending claims, particularly in product liability cases, supply chain costs recovery claims and in general commercial disputes. He also advises manufacturers, traders and other market actors on product safety law, including official notifications and the coordination of international recalls. In medical devices law, he advises market actors comprehensively on regulatory matters including official notifications specially regulated for such products and the coordination of recalls.

Dr. Florian Niermeier has many years‘ experience in litigation. He represents companies before state courts and arbitration tribunals in enforcing claims or defending against alleged claims, including, in particular, product liability law, purchasing law as well as regress claims in the supply chain and general commercial disputes. Dr. Niermeier is also an expert in medical devices law. He advises manufacturers, importers, traders and other market actors on compliance with the specific regulatory requirements.

If necessary, he assists clients in notifying the competent authorities and coordinates transnational product recalls. Already in this phase of the case, he keeps an eye on securing and enforcing later recourse claims. One focus of his work in this area is advising on compliance with the regulatory requirements of the EU Medical Devices Regulation (MDR). This contains significantly more detailed and often stricter regulatory requirements regarding medical devices. In addition, he supports clients in the proper assessment of product risks. It is not uncommon for claims to be enforced or defended against here, especially in the supply chain. Finally, his work includes the (extra-)judicial enforcement and, above all, defense of competition law warning letters and lawsuits for product law infringements.

  • legal studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich
  • doctorate from the University of Augsburg with Prof. Dr. Beate Gsell on a contract law theme
  • after legal clerkship at the OLG (Higher Regional Court) Munich, work in the litigation departments of major German, British and American law firms
  • regular lectures especially for the DEKRA Akademie
  • 2019 founding partner of the Produktkanzlei

Languages: German, English

  • Das neue europäische Recht auf Reparatur, ZfPC 2024, 150 ff.
  • Überblick zum neuen europäischen Recht auf Reparatur, K&R 2024, 483
  • „Gewährleistung“ bei Rückrufen nach der neuen EU-Produktsicherheits-VO, NJW 2024, p. 1463 ff.
  • EU-Regeln zu digitalen Inhalten und zum Verkauf von Waren, EuZW 2022, p. 49 f.
  • Sonderweg oder Wegweiser? – Eine produktsicherheitsrechtliche Analyse des neuen Medizinprodukterechts (with Dr. Carsten Schucht), InTeR 2020, p. 66 ff.
  • Medizinprodukterecht – hier: Anspruch auf Information durch Übermittlung einer Kundenliste hinsichtlich bestimmter Hüftendoprothesen bejaht, Anmerkung zu OVG Münster, Urteil vom 19.11.2019 – 13 A 1326/17 (with Dr. Boris Handorn), MPR 2020, p. 52 ff.
  • Das neue EU-Medizinprodukterecht und seine möglichen Auswirkungen auf M&A-Transaktionen, M&A Review 10/2019
  • Druckkammern - nicht nur für therapeutische Zwecke? (with Hubertus Bartmann), caisson, Jg. 33 Nr.4/Jg. 34 Nr. 1, Januar 2019
  • Desinfektion behandschuhter Hände (with Günter Kampf and Sebastian Lemmen), Krankenhaushygiene up2date 2018; 13(01): p. 27 ff.
  • Muss der TÜV für fehlerhafte Brustimplantate zahlen?, Legal Tribune Online vom 16.2.2017
  • Der Teilleistungsbegriff im Leistungsstörungsrecht des BGB, Diss., 2007